Our Services
Our services are varied as they are tailored to the individual needs of the person or group. It’s about helping you achieve your goals, and help you to make an informed choice. We recommend you read ‘Who we work with‘, to get a greater understanding of what this means.
With all clients our goal is to assist you in having a satisfying and happier life in every aspect, whether this be professional, personal or a mixture of both and this underpins all the work we do.
Please browse our full catalogue of course offerings below, or get in contact with us to see how we can best meet your coaching and training needs.
We take pride in offering courses that are flexible enough to work with your individual or group’s needs, including:
- Virtual learning/workshops
- One-on-one sessions or Group sessions
- 12 Session blocks or tailored, session-by-session
- Corporate groups
Coach Training
- International Coach Federation Accredited Training
- Train the trainer
Leadership Coaching
- Leadership and Business Executive Coaching
- Women in Leadership
- Mentor/Mentee training
Individual Coaching
- Career coaching
- Career transition/advancement
- Self-actualisation
- Ditching the imposter syndrome
- Building emotional intelligence
Group Facilitation
- Meeting Facilitation
- Strategic planning
- Building team culture
- Brainstorming sessions
- Added Value to In House training (leadership)
“My coach (Sharon Honner) is a critical friend. Coaching makes me mentally stronger and focused on my aspiration to be a better Director. It allows me to reflect on my achievements and gives perspective to the challenges I face. In my governance career I find that after coaching I am more results orientated, have more self-belief and can clearly see the right path to choose.”
Dawn Sangster